Gratitude Journal

Struggling with Gratitude?

Learn how practicing gratitude can change your life for the better

Download the free Gratitude Guide and Journal now

Gratitude is an emotion that comes from appreciation. It’s an awareness and thankfulness of the things God has done in your life, in you and in the world around you. Gratitude is a powerful thing. It can turn any negative into a positive. It can change how you feel inside. It can bring hope and happiness. It can improve your health, your relationships, your career and so much more and most importantly, your relationship with the Lord. It can literally transform your life.

Practicing gratitude changes your perspective on life.

In this free guided journal, you will learn how to practice gratitude and how you can benefit from this practice every day.

Sign up now to receive your free “My Gratitude Journal” to start practicing gratitude in your life. Here’s what you’ll get:

  •  A guide on how and why practicing gratitude is so important in your life

  • 10 Scriptures about Gratitude to Help keep your my of the Lord as you journal

  • 10 Prompts to get you started with your gratitude practice and quotes to keep you motivated

  • Space to journal about gratitude and document your progress

  • Over 100 Pages

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If you are ready to start reaching your goals, then get signed up right now. Just enter your first name and email address above to get the journal now.

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