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Thank God for grandparents

 “What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies.

Rudy Giuliani

Our five-year-old daughter is excelling in many areas.  One of the reasons is that God has blessed her with three loving grandparents.  Our parents are a major support system in raising our daughter by stepping in when needed.  Most of the time,  they step in and help in ways that are above and beyond.

Our parents bring time, patience and wisdom that we do not have.   My mother-in-law was so loving and caring to our daughter.  She taught her manners, cuddled with her for hours, and most importantly she introduced her to Jesus.  My mother-in-law passed away two years ago but left a significant imprint her our daughter’s life.  She still talks about conversations she had with “Grammy”.

Our daughter stayed with her grandparents two days a week during pre-school.   They provided fantastic experiences.  When she was with them, and it was nice, she went swimming, to the park or bike riding.  The patience her grandfather brings to her is incredible. It’s all about her.  If she wanted to read two books or 20 books, her grandfather sat patiently with her.  

Check out this video of her at four years old riding a bike with no training wheels.  This is 100% because of the time and patience of her grandfather.



She bakes with her grandmother and helps her cook dinner.  She has to measure and mix the ingredients. We HAVE to eat what she cooks.  Her grandmother works with her on saving and giving.  She collects coins she earns for helping around the house.  When holidays come (birthday, mother’s day, Christmas, etc.),  her grandmother takes her to the bank to cash her coins.  They take that money to shop for gifts.  These are usually inexpensive gifts, but the lessons are priceless.  Our daughter is so proud to give gifts she saved for and selected.

Just last week there was a parent day at camp.  Guess who went with her.  You got it – her grandparents.  We could not get off work.

Business trip this weekend.  Guess who is stepping in to watch her and get her to camp every day.  You got it – her grandparents.

Although these are all things we do with her as parents, her grandparents offer support and enrichment in these areas because God has equipped them with time, patience, wisdom, health and love.  They have so much to add to our daughter’s life.  They are much more “patient” with her than they were with me (SMILE).  That’s because there are grandparents!

God has designed the generations in a way that grandparents can be there for their children and grandchildren.  I thank God daily for her grandparents and how enriched her life is because of them.

“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.”

Proverbs 17:6


In the comment section, please share your grandparent stories.

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  1. Thank you for your kind and loving comments. Remember we learned to be grandparents from all four of your caring grandparents who had the same loving responses to your needs. We love you

    MaMaMa and Grandad

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